- 24 Jan 2023
- Research & Ideas
Passion at Work Is a Good Thing—But Only If Bosses Know How to Manage It
Does showing passion mean doing whatever it takes to get the job done? Employees and managers often disagree, says research by Jon Jachimowicz. He offers four pieces of advice for leaders who yearn for more spirit and intensity at their companies.
- 29 Aug 2022
- Op-Ed
Income Inequality Is Rising. Are We Even Measuring It Correctly?
Policymakers trying to shrink the income gap have long relied on a statistical benchmark to guide decisions. But taking a broader view of inequality might lead to better solutions, say Jon Jachimowicz and colleagues.
- 25 Jan 2022
- Research & Ideas
More Proof That Money Can Buy Happiness (or a Life with Less Stress)
It's not about the bigger home or the better vacation. Financial stability helps people escape the everyday hassles of life, says research by Jon Jachimowicz. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.
- 09 Jun 2021
- Research & Ideas
How Tennis, Golf, and White Anxiety Block Racial Integration
White people often take steps to avoid interacting with people of other races, whether it's at home, work, or even on a golf course, says research by Jon Jachimowicz. Open for comment; 0 Comments.
- 20 Jul 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
The Pursuit of Passion Propagates Privilege
While graduating students are often exhorted to do work they love to do, those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to feel that they are a fit for and have the skills to thrive in a job that calls for passion.
- 19 May 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Global Behaviors and Perceptions at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic
An online survey of more than 110,000 people in 175 countries conducted at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic found that most respondents believe that their governments and fellow citizens are not doing enough, which heightens their worries and depression levels. Decisive actions and strong leadership from policymakers change how people perceive their governments and other citizens, and in turn improve their mental health.
- 25 Nov 2019
- Research & Ideas
When Your Passion Works Against You
Passion is supposed to be the secret sauce that transforms average managers into dynamic leaders. The reality is more complicated, says Jon M. Jachimowicz. Open for comment; 0 Comments.
Is Your Workplace Biased Against Introverts?
Extroverts are more likely to express their passion outwardly, giving them a leg up when it comes to raises and promotions, according to research by Jon Jachimowicz. Introverts are just as motivated and excited about their work, but show it differently. How can managers challenge their assumptions?