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- 15 Mar 2021
- Working Paper Summaries
Fairness or Control: What Determines Elected Local Leaders’ Support for Hosting Refugees in Their Community?
Local politicians are not adamantly opposed to setting up host sites for refugees in their municipalities. However, they want a fair process to ensure that interaction between refugees and residents is limited, gradual, and mediated. Most importantly, local politicians want to control those interactions.
- 19 Sep 2018
- Working Paper Summaries
From Immigrants to Americans: Race and Assimilation During the Great Migration
The Great Migration of African Americans and the mass migration of Europeans both contributed to forming the modern American racial and ethnic landscape. This analysis finds that native whites more readily accepted European immigrants as African Americans arrived in the US North during the first Great Migration, facilitating the assimilation of European immigrants in northern urban centers.
- 22 Jan 2018
- Working Paper Summaries
When Gender Discrimination Is Not About Gender
Gender discrimination in a typically male workplace is not necessarily driven by misogyny. Rather, employers are less willing to hire applicants associated with a lower performing group-even if that group is defined by a demographic characteristic other than gender.
- 14 Dec 2017
- Working Paper Summaries
Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs: A Review of Recent Literature
This paper brings together recent findings in the academic literature on the prevalence of various personality traits among entrepreneurs and their impact on venture performance. It focuses on three themes: (1) personality traits of entrepreneurs and how they compare to other groups; (2) attitudes towards risk that entrepreneurs display; and (3) overall goals and aspirations that entrepreneurs bring to their pursuits.
- 06 Apr 2017
- Cold Call Podcast
Why German Business Supports, Trains and Hires Syrian Refugees
Germany has been taking in more than a million Syrian refugees each year, and involves the business community in making them productive workers. Has it worked out as hoped? In this podcast, Rebecca Henderson discusses her case study on Germany's experience. Open for comment; 0 Comments.
- 05 Jan 2017
- Working Paper Summaries
High-Skilled Migration and Agglomeration
Individuals with valuable skills have a higher propensity and offers to migrate both domestically and abroad due to the exceptional returns they can earn. Yet not all potential destinations are equally attractive in their professional and social opportunities. This review provides an in-depth analysis of available data and introduces several newly available data sources that are open to researchers. The patterns of high-skilled migration are quite consistent with agglomeration economies, such as the broad flows from a large number of source countries to very few destination countries. These data further show that migration selection processes for skill are becoming sharper and increasingly involve female migrants.
- 20 Oct 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Global Talent Flows
Global migration patterns have become increasingly asymmetric and skewed along several dimensions, especially as skilled migration has become a greater force globally. This paper first surveys the landscape of global talent mobility, including under-appreciated features like the rising importance of the migration of talented women. The review next discusses the causes and consequences of high-skilled migration and the particular role of agglomeration/cluster economies. Rather than having migration reduce the incentives for others to migrate to a location, agglomeration effects for talented workers often serve to instead heighten the incentives for future talent to migrate as well (e.g., Hollywood). The paper next discusses the role of national “gatekeepers” in global talent flows, and contrasts the two main approaches taken by governments (i.e., points-based systems vs. employer-driven systems). While overall patterns will likely remain similar, different forms of high-skilled migration are likely to emerge and evolve.
How Younger Immigrants Gain an Edge in American Business
Immigrants often struggle to acquire both higher education and good jobs after migrating to a new country. A study by William Kerr finds that the age they arrive is key, with the teen years being ideal for achieving future success.