Adversity and the response to the challenges of work
After twenty years of studying how well individuals handle adversity, author Stoltz is convinced that the key to individual success is strengthening what he calls the Adversity Quotient: "your hardwired pattern of response to all forms of adversity, from major tragedies to minor annoyances." Taking the ideas he first presented in his earlier book, Adversity Quotient: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities, he now focuses on its application to the workplace. Stoltz presents a framework that fully defines "the science of AQ" in all of its interrelated dimensions physiological, psychological, and performance followed by a chapter explaining how to measure AQ. The remainder of the book is dedicated to the development of climbers "individuals dedicated to a lifelong ascent." Written for staff at all levels of an organization, Adversity Quotient@Work arms readers with the tools and resources to understand adversity and to respond successfully to daily challenges at work.