Should you be selling your product on infomercials?
In this interactive feature, looks at the world of direct-response TV ads. The question: Are they a good deal for advertisers? Ask Johnny Carson. His Carson Productions has sold some 2.5 million copies of its best of The Tonight Show videos, a number the author notes, "is comparable to the DVD/video sales for a hit Hollywood movie." Nearly two-thirds of all Americans report seeing infomercials, and more than 1,000 products a year are sold through this channel, according to this report. And infomercials aren't just for hawking crazy knives and foot soakers anymore. Established brands including Apple, Whirlpool, and Time-Life have mounted direct-response commercials. The report includes lists of the most successful infomercial products in 2002 (headed by the Bowflex Home Gym), and the best pitchmen (Need you ask? Ron Popeil).