A rich source of academic work in consumer research
Each year since 1970, top academics interested in consumer research have gathered for discussions and presentations at the annual North American conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). The proceedings of these meetings have been brought together in an impressive online database accessible through the Association's Web site. There's great content here if you want to know what those who study consumer research are working on, thinking of and talking about. Dozens of papers and presentation summaries are loaded on the site each year, covering a wide range of topics. Click on the Proceedings Online button in the left frame to access the database. One caveat: the service is marred by extremely poor functionality. Lists of results offer little or no hint of what's behind them and links to alternative "Power" and "Simple" search screens include access to other databases altogether. But if you stick to the main search page and keep your searches focused, you'll find a wealth of valuable research to browse through.