The professional's view on competitive intelligence
What's the professional's view of competitive intelligence? This online version of a quarterly magazine from the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) helps bring it to light. Articles and columns highlight such topics as conducting proper due diligence and evaluation of tools and resources available for collecting and analyzing competitive information. There are also case studies from practitioners, including individual researchers and corporate intelligence chiefs, outlining the ins and outs of competitive intelligence work in specific industries and types of business. Although the articles are aimed less at executives than at information gatherers and managers, executives are likely to benefit from this useful perspective on an important strategic tool. There are also links to additional information elsewhere on the SCIP site. (One note: The site suffers from some annoying technical and design snafus. The text for some articles, for instance, runs right off the screen, and the link to "Search Competitive Intelligence Magazine Stories" at the top of each article doesn't work.)