From seat-of-the-pants to sensible decision-making
Snap judgments based on gut feelings do not impress the authors of Counterintuitive Marketing. In fact, as Clancy and Krieg explain in this lively and mildly self-promotional book, marketing decisions typically guided by intuition alone usually amount to nothing more than "the manly way to screw up." As founders of Copernicus, a Massachusetts-based marketing consulting and research group, Clancy and Krieg share plenty of examples from their own forays into the marketing wilderness to outline how any company's marketing moves can operate with more hard-headed logic and streamlined sophistication. One handy helper: the book's "Marketing in a Nutshell" appendix, listing 100 questions every CEO needs to answer, such as "What are the key 'climactic' changes taking place in our business?" and "Are the objectives all specific, realistic, and measurable?"