This site has been designed as a central source of information about
ERP products and services. The ERP News section provides
updates, taken primarily from wire services and computer
publications, on leading vendors and ERP in general. Forums &
Chat provides a venue for discussion of ERP issues, with sections
devoted to particular industries and business functions, as well as
leading vendors like SAP and Baan. There's also an ERP
Bookstore; developed in conjunction with Amazon.com, it offers
descriptions and online sales of ERP-related titles. Other features
include financials and analysis of ERP companies, vendor press
releases, and links to the Web sites of ERP providers and partner
firms that support their systems. This site will be most valuable to
companies actively involved in ERP implementation, but there's
useful informationespecially about the leading players in the
industryfor anyone interested in ERP.
Originally reviewed in Harvard Management Update's "Web Sites for Managers."
Originally reviewed in Harvard Management Update's "Web Sites for Managers."