Academic insights on everything from cyberstalkers to photo captions.
On the Internet, you can forget the eighty-twenty rule. If you can find something useful and accurate on one out of 100 Web pages, you are doing pretty well (present Web site excepted, of course). So that is what makes First Monday such as a standout. Started up in 1996, First Monday offers peer-reviewed academic explorations of interesting issues about technology in general and the Web specifically. Articles in the latest issue include "The Many Paradoxes of Broadband," "Giving E-mail Back to the Users: Using Digital Signatures to Solve the Spam Problem," and "An Exploration of Predatory Behaviour in Cyberspace: Towards a Typology of Cyberstalkers." There is even a happy essay on the importance of good photo captions. Business leaders will find this site a good pointer toward technology issues and how serious thinkers are thinking about them.