A refreshing, original and colorful look at a future where there are no rules
It's more than the bald heads banging together on the cover that sets this book apart from the rest of the literature flooding the shelves with prescriptions for the future of corporate management. Nordström and Ridderstrále, professors at the Stockholm School of Economics (and owners of those bald heads), offer a refreshing, original and colorful look at a future where there are no rules, where everything is always in crisis and where "business as unusual" makes things happen. "Funky" for these Swedish management thinkers is the opposite of traditional and predictable. "The future," they write, "cannot be predicted"it has to be created. Either you see things happen or you make them happen. Funky management, for Nordström and Ridderstrále, means innovation, constant change and, especially, reliance on people as the main source of "sustainable uniqueness."