Infotech and "UpsideDown" Organization: An Overstated Relationship?
Do not read too much into a possible relationship between the development of information technology and the incidence of "upsidedown" management. That's the overwhelming message from responses to the column raising questions about the possible connection between the two.
First, as Greg Waldrip points out, let's get things in perspective. These are only means to carry out a strategy after goals are determined, all in a supportive management environment. Dennis Crane concurs, adding that "Information technology should only turn businesses upside down when they've already determined that there's some truly fundamental reason to do so."
Some question whether the "upside down" organization is an idea whose time has come. David Koltermann warns, "The potential revolution to turn management upside down is overstated... In the marketplace of ideas, inhabited by academics and consultants ...personal advancement may be better served by being provocative than by being right."
Others question the importance of the linkage between information technology and the shape of the organization. Allen Roberts suggests that the latter is just one of many potential impacts of information technology, implying that it may not be the most important.
For any of this to have a high degree of relevance, however, depends on other factors in the view of respondents. As John Ladge states, "I know firsthand that it can work, but it really depends on the culture of the organization." Waldrup puts it more strongly: "Providing more information without creating an atmosphere that allows people to use their judgement will only cause failure."
Still others pointed out that information technology is most often used in the context of "medium risk, medium gain scenarios like credit card processing, market forecasting, etc." in Shankar Avsb's words. He suggests that information technology will play a major part in remolding organizations for only a few, but that "possibly, these would be organizations poised to become the new market leaders."
Even if many things have to happen before fundamental organizational changes occur, it still leaves us with questions: Is this kind of change worth pursuing? If so, what changes in information technology and policies of disseminating its products will be required? If the process is a long one, is it even practical to begin it in organizations with "continuitychallenged" leadership? Is there any real purpose served by academics in continuing to spread the word about upside down management and preparing potential managers for its possible emergence? What do you think?