One of our all-time favorite sites has to be How Stuff Works, so it should come as little surprise that we find How Products Are Made an almost equally fun read.
Not as glossy as HSW, HPAM nevertheless satisfies our curiosity about the building process of hundreds of products—artificial blood, blue jeans, postage stamps, mass-produced salsa, and tubas, for just a sample.
Each entry includes a brief history of the product, raw materials list, detailed assembly process, quality control measures, the future of the product, and a reference list. You can use the search engine to find a product or browse through the seven volumes.
Although it's a little difficult to find out who produces the site, a look at the copyright notice suggests this is from Thomson Gale, which created the How Products Are Made book series. One improvement is needed: Create one A-Z list instead of divvying products up among seven “volumes.”