is very rich Web site full of valuable information on how to start and run your own business. Created and maintained by Inc. Magazine, it provides practical advice as well as general overviews on the state of small business in the U.S. The major components of the site include advice, products, discussion, services, industry, and research. Each is a gateway to a tremendous amount of useful information for the entrepreneur. For example, the "Discussion" section is introduced as a place to get and give advice. In it are general discussion folders on core topics such as writing a business plan, law and taxation, and leadership and strategy. In addition to these general folders, daily discussions are offered as well on such nuts-and-bolts issues as processing foreign credit cards. Perhaps the most valuable component of the site is the "Research" section. Here one can find U.S. Census statistical data containing important demographic information that can be used to develop a marketing plan. Also within the "Research" area is a link to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR database, which contains almost all the financial reports filed by public companies. Digging deeper, one finds "Going Global," which provides access to U.S. international trade statistics and monthly import/export data from the U.S. government, broken down by country and commodity.
Well organized and easy to navigate, is a significant online resource for the entrepreneur and small business owner.