A finger on the pulse of the manufacturing industry
A leading magazine aimed at senior executives and decision-makers in manufacturing and its
supporting industries, IndustryWeek (IW) offers an information-packed
Web site that mirrors the print publication and offers just a little bit more. Articles
from the current month's issue and an archive back to 1996 are available online, along
with daily newswire briefs in nine areas of interest (i.e. Emerging Technologies, Global
Outlook, Workforce Watch). The archive includes IW's many special reports,
like "The 100 Best Managed Companies" and the annual "CEO Survey" that
shows what makes top manufacturing executives tick. You can get at the content
issue-by-issue or by using the site's search engine. International in scope, IndustryWeek
keeps its finger on the pulse of the manufacturing sector and the stories and issues
that most concern it.