This chart shows the types of leadership necessary to operate at the "5 Degrees of Change." As you can see, using Energy-Unleashing Leadership does not mean you can abandon Basic Management or Visionary Leadership. To operate at the highest degrees of change, an effective combination of all three is needed.
Excellent Basic Management
Visonary LeadershipOperating successfully at levels 1 and 2 demands excellent managementgood planning and budgeting, good structures, systems, staff, controls.
Energy-Unleashing LeadershipOperating at level 3 requires more than the above. In addition to good management, you need a sensible vision, employee alignment to the vision, and a work-force motivated to make it happen. Without this visionary leadership, enterprises fail at non-incremental change.
Operating successfully at levels 4 and 5 demands still more than the above. To do what seems astounding now demands, in addition to good management and visionary leadership, enormous energy compared to what we generally see today. This energy is essential if enterprises are to make bigger leaps faster.
Generating this energy requires a tough form of leadership that taps deeply into peoples' hopes and dreams, most basic human values, and needs for a meaningful life.