A gripping account from New York's legendary mayor.
Giuliani addresses leadership up close and personal. Written with Ken Kurston, this page-turner describes in gripping detail the lessons Giuliani has learned about leadership and precisely how he learned them, and then how he applied them on September 11, 2001. As a reflection of Giuliani's guts and tenacity (which even his detractors will not likely dispute), the book is never mawkish; it is frequently moving as it recounts the many grim responsibilities he faced as mayor and human being on that fateful day and afterward. He concludes: "Part of leadership is harnessing your passions in a way that serves your goalsmy father's advice: Stay calm. But another part of leadership is retaining your humanity. The anger I felt, and continue to feel, about the attacks on the World Trade Center is healthy. The challenge is to put it to work in ways that would make me a stronger, better leader."