The Bureau of Labor Statistics has done an excellent job in creating the Monthly Labor Review Online, the Web version of the venerable print journal Monthly Labor Review established in 1915. Each new issue provides research and information from economists, statisticians, and researchers in government, industry, and academia on issues affecting the "labor force, the economy, employment, inflation, productivity, occupational injuries and illnesses, wages, and prices." In addition to feature articles presented in the "At Issue" section, each issue contains book reviews, analysis of current legal decisions affecting the workplace, a summary of the current issue, reports of international and regional labor forces, and a summary of 3-4 articles or reports published by other sources. Data traditionally found in the print edition are also available online through the "Current Labor Statistics" link, as well as preformatted data tables and BLS data for use in databases and spreadsheets. The full text of articles is available in PDF format, with abstracts and excerpts accessible in HTML. An index and archive of the Review going back to 1989 is also available on the site.