Polls galore—yet not overwhelming.
It ain't pretty, but then neither are some of the revelations in this interesting site. Simple and straightforward in design, PollingReport.com pulls together a whole bunch of recent public opinion surveys and divides them into easy-to-find categories. These polls are all from reliable sources: The Gallup Organization, the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, media organizations such as The Wall Street Journal, CNN and Newsweek, and various trade organizations. There's a heavy emphasis on American politics and current affairs, with the U.S. Presidential Elections predictably taking center stage. But business people will probably find useful nuggets within the topic areas of "Contracts for Offshore Companies," "Investing in the Stock Market," and "Free Trade: Helpful or Hurtful?" The latter, for instance, carries results from a dozen different polls taking the pulse on China, NAFTA, human rights, U.S. imports, and more. If you're ever in need of numbers and trends to back up your next proposal, here's your stop.