A guide to research in work-family issues and trends
Supported by funds from the Sloan Foundation and managed by the Center for Work & Family at Boston College, this online resource facilitates and promotes research into a wide range of work-family issues. Highlights include current and past issues, in PDF format, of the Work-Family Research Online Newsletter. This quarterly publication provides substantive articles on emerging trends and issues in work-family research and practice, including a regular column by Kathleen Christensen, program director of the Working Families Program at the Sloan Foundation. Also available in PDF format is a "Resource Guide to Global Work & Family Issues," which examines and compares work-family issues across national borders. The site also includes "The Work-Family Research Literature Database," a collection of over 2,000 entries with information and annotations for articles, chapters in books, reports, and papers related to work and family research. (The database was being revamped at the time of our visit.) Though aimed primarily at researchers, this site is an excellent resource for managers interested in current trends in the management of the work-family balance.