Author Abstract
This article provides an overview on the rise and fall of cartels since the late 19th century when the modern cartel movement properly arrived with the rise of big business based on scale and scope. The general narrative about cartels may not be a story of rise and fall, but rise, boom, collapse, revitalization, gradual decline, and then criminalization. Yet, until the 1980s, the global story of big business must be told in conjunction with cartels rather than without them. They affected technological development, corporate strategy, and organizational change. Viewing cartels only as a "conspiracy against the public" short-circuits many important questions and obscures the great variations in objectives, type, and services provided by cartels. All cartels are not created alike.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: August 2006
- HBS Working Paper Number: 07-011
- Faculty Unit(s): Business, Government and International Economy