Summing Up
Does Social Equality Improve Productivity?
Inequality in our society is an important and growing issue. It prompted a debate among respondents to this month's column about the causes, specifically the role played by innovation leading to increased productivity without attendant economic growth. One respondent turned the topic on its head, posing a more interesting question of whether equality fosters productivity.
Several felt that innovation and productivity increases are leading to inequality. As Donald Shaw put it, "Technology development has always displaced some workers while creating new jobs more or less commensurate with the skills of the displaced workers. But things have changed since the technology is now able to think as well as perform tasks… It is not easy to convert today's manual laborers to thinking workers. And … technology has now taken over work that once was considered thinking and will increasingly do so."
Bill Barker agreed, in the process offering his solution: In the past, he wrote, the portion of the working population employed in agriculture dropped from 50 percent to less than 2 percent and was ameliorated by new employment opportunities in industry and services. "It is difficult to imagine how that will continue… there has to be some solution and that solution has to be governmental."
Several were more philosophical about the issue. As Wayne Lingard put it, "Productivity increases do create social unrest, it's a natural state which a country must get to, to move to the next level…" Ken Black commented: "Of course productivity contributes to social inequality, but there are a lot of non-productive people in various positions doing very well financially--so productivity alone is not a good gauge of social inequality." Romuald Kepa added: "The invention of the steam engine and resulting shifts in the society are great providers of insight Luckily, (the) world did not collapse …"
Others were not so sure that productivity is the primary culprit. Grace Duffy said that: "Long term cultural changes (she cited reduced education, greater dependence on drugs, and entitlement programs) are the basis for many of the disparities in employment. Productivity is necessary where not enough skills are available at the level required within a specific market…" Will Wilkin agreed: "The main reason for the rising inequality is that Free Trade has encouraged/required manufacturing to be offshored and outsourced … If we replaced the Free Trade policies with a Balanced Trade policy, using … (import licences) issued in the same value as our exports, (we'd balance our trade and) directly create millions of new US mfg jobs …"
Mark Clark expressed concerns about the link between inequality and democracy, advancing a proposal that might also address some concerns about productivity and inequality. As he put it, "A foundational step to fortify the health of our democracy may be a requirement of mandatory service-social service, infrastructure construction, teaching/mentoring or military according to individual talents and interests… A couple years contributed in the late teens or early twenties …"
The discussion moved several respondents to pose questions worth thinking about as we go forward. The most interesting was that of Armando del Bosque, who asked, "How about reversing the causality? Does Social Equality Improve Productivity?" Based on his experience with "companies (that) increase equality amongst their employees, their families and the communities they live/work in, (he has observed) dramatic productivity increments … no layoffs, no additional technology, 'just' increased employee engagement." Does he have something here? What do you think?
Original Article
Inequality seemed to have been the byword of the year for 2013. Studies documented increases in the gap (or in a few studies, the opposite view) between rich and poor. Headlines, at least in the United States, typically focused on the share of wealth and income accumulated by the top .1 percent or 1 percent of the population. Attention also focused on the fact that people in the bottom 20 percent were not just in low-paying jobs. Unusually large numbers that wanted jobs had none and hadn't had paying work for months.
Couple that with the following: How many times in the past twelve months have you read or heard the comment by managers in the private and especially the public sectors that, "We need to do more with less?" The underlying assumption, of course, is that greater productivity will cure whatever ails an organization. Something good will come from it, either for an individual organization, a community, or an entire economy. Does that assumption hold?
Increased productivity from whatever source—investments in technology, better methods, or just more effort—without compensating growth will naturally lead to fewer labor inputs (and jobs) per unit produced. For example, in the US employment has increased much more slowly than either improved productivity or growth in the economy. One result may be the structural unemployment associated with long periods without a job and the obsolescence of skills that occurs with increasing rapidity in an information economy.
These concerns are not new. Jeremy Rifkin raised them in 1995 in his book, The End of Work. More recently, Jaron Lanier concluded that job-destroying productivity leading to inequality occurs when all of us contribute information about ourselves gratis on the Internet to a few high-tech entrepreneurs who get paid for the information and accumulate all its monetary value. He cites, as an example, the fact that 140,000 Kodak employees were replaced in large part by startups like Instagram (an Internet-based distributor of photos) a company with just 13 employees that was purchased last year by Facebook for $1 billion.
I've heard no one argue that the solution lies in reduced productivity. Rather the concern appears to be with how the fruits of increased productivity are distributed. Rifkin suggests that a solution lies in fostering what he calls a Third Sector, comprising the civil society. He proposes "Taxing a percentage of the wealth generated by the new Information Age economy and redirecting it into the neighborhoods and communities of the country, and toward the creation of jobs and the rebuilding of the social commons …." Lanier's solution lies in creatively using information technology to produce a blizzard of "nanopayments" to all of us who supply valuable information gratis to Facebook and other information exchanges that have expropriated value from both the employed and unemployed of our society.
Are productivity increases contributing to social inequality? At what point does inequality become a threat to democracy (and the lives of the 1%)? Is this something that market mechanisms can resolve? Or will responses like those Rifkin proposes be the answer? Or are these just 2013's issues of the day? What do you think?
To Read More:
Jaron Lanier, Who Owns the Future?, Simon & Schuster, 2013
Jeremy Rifkin, The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 1995
The main reason for the rising inequality is that Free Trade has encouraged/required manufacturing to be offshored and outsourced, exporting our nation's engines of wealth creation (and our jobs, wages, tax base, and manufacturing capacity & all the multiplier-effect jobs that mfg would have supported).
This has resulted in historically high windfall profits and executive bonuses enriching the top, while leaving the workforce to compete for lower-paying and lower value-added service jobs. And those jobs have suffered wage stagnation or decline precisely because so many displaced workers now compete for them and because the national pie is truly smaller relative to population as so much manufacturing has been offshored.
If we replaced the Free Trade policies with a Balanced Trade policy, using Import Certificates (import licenses) issued in the same value as our exports, we'd divert our trade deficits averaging $530 Billion annually into over $500 Billion additional demand for US-produced goods.
Balancing our trade would directly create millions of new US mfg jobs, and indirectly create millions more jobs in other sectors through the multiplier-effect. It would thus bid up the price of labor, reduce the need for social safety net, grow the tax base and resolve the fiscal crises of national, state and municipal governments.
In sum, we need to grow the pie by putting our citizens back to work in high value-added jobs, and manufacturing must be the center of that revival.
Electronics, telecommunication, software are 21-st century steam engines destroying old industries.
Luckily, worl did not collapse in 19-th century :-)
These trends do not account for all the unemployed in the US, by any means, although the number of unemployables is increasing at the same time the requirement for advanced skills to fill new positions is also increasing. Long term cultural changes are the basis for many of the disparities in employment. Productivity is necessary where not enough skills are available at the level required within a specific market. When the demand is in the market, cash flows will support jobs.
We could easily fall into the trap of focusing just on labour productivity and miss factors such as capital productivity, leadership and decision productivity, and in the context of this question social productivity which might address things like social cohesion and inclusion,for example. How does squeezing one part of the water filled balloon(if we assume it is a closed system),impact other parts of that balloon? What does business owe the community in terms of social cohesion,inclusion and accountability for the consequences of wealth creation? How many business cases for reforming labour, assets, decisions,etc., include a social impact and consequence component--other than when it is regulated? Does this become a question of how the VALUES of our enterprises are set--do we care about who else we impact and, if so, how do we explain what we consider to be fair? What is fair then? Worth reading, "Animal Spirits" by Akerlof and Shiller (chapter 2 espec.)
And the US? The US has huge social adhesions through social networks such as churches and service clubs and unifying myths such as 'work hard and get rich'. So, social unrest in the US is unlikely until economic polarization frays myths. Most likely, I suspect, is that markets are well-gamed now, inequality will increase and at some point the electoral swing will be towards a more activist and interventionist role for government.
When government does intervene, as it will, then the Rifkin answer or the Tobin tax or other innovations will be considered, but the simplest intervention will be recalibration of tax rates, spending on physical and social infrastructure and a post-industrial labor market adjustment.
As regards luxury goods, these are on demand by the higher strata - the rich class- and increased production thereof leads to social inequality as the poor are unable to go for these. The standard of living of the rich goes on increasing while the poor stagnate and hence the growing rich-poor gap.
What comes after this supply and demand "Social Inequality" economic model? The present "Social Inequality" economic model is inadequate for future human development IMO. How do we take the teat a/o candy from the babies and get them to eat healthy, before they kill US?
Democracy does not exist in a republic. A republic is governed by a plutocracy of special-interest (religious, relations, race, privilege ...). The Civil War South was a confederacy of slave republics, not democracies. Presently IMO, the USA is a Republic for wealthy elitist ruling of a (close to illiterate) dogma affected public. A real democracy economy can be governed and changed by the majority, never threatened by a few.
It is fairly easy to adapt the manual work of farming to the manual work of shoveling sand which was the poster boy of Frederick Taylor's Scientific Management published around 1911. It is not easy to convert today's manual laborers to thinking workers. And, as the Economist article discusses, technology has now taken over work that once was considered thinking and will increasingly do so. All that remains then is basically highly knowledgeable and skilled work requiring advanced degrees and highly abstract thinking capabilities. Given the educational state of most high school graduates today as demonstrated by our sad standing in international testing, it is doubtful produce many advanced degree workers very quickly if at all. Thus, it would seem the future looks bleak for most workers with an outcome something like Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano."
In my opinion, motivation is the key to human performance. Economic and social motivations can combine to increase output, income and wealth creation. Believe that such motivation depends upon relatively equal and open opportunity for achieving desired results.
Agree with reasonable distribution of income and wealth among all citizens - but not "equality". Desirability of income and / or wealth "equality" among citizens is almost completely bogus. View that idea as evil because it has been so frequently used as a pretext to justify its claimed application [in places as diverse as Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Kampuchea, Poland, North Korea, North Vietnam, Russia and Ukraine]. Such vile application has resulted in terrible excesses of government-sponsored killing, property confiscation, deprivation of liberty, indoctrination of youth, limitations of opportunity, loss of freedom of speech, state-controlled media, single-party politics and imposition of tyrannical police-state measures] against those perceived as unfairly wealthy. Externally imposed equality of results, regardless of other factors, deprives every person subject to it of motivation to achieve and earn individual rewards, lowers
productivity and diminishes [instead of increases] total benefits.
What's really important is the relationship between individual and family income and wealth and self-perceived needs. The magnitude of income and wealth of people such as Andrew Carnegie, George Baker, George Soros, J. Pierpont Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates [whom I don't admire] and the like has little to no effect upon me. Bravo for economic success - though not to unfair methods of wealth acquisition, which are rightly condemned.
Doesn't each of us appreciate improvements in our individual and family lot? I certainly do. It's particularly noteworthy and beneficial for all of humanity when extraordinary circumstances of applied creativity, ingenuity and productivity lift individual and family income, wealth and well-being - without stealing results of others' success. Applaud and encourage that.
Hap Burnham, HBS MBA and JD University of Denver
Golden, Colorado, U.S.A.
d drives, make us all inside players and suddenly the 1% are standing in soup kitchens. The only real disparity is information. Once it is concentrated at the top, the top has power. Once it is distributed to the 99%, the curtain lifts. The Target exploit should ring a bell somewhere. If all the money in the world is just bits and bytes, the 1% is one exploit away from the breadlines like the rest of us. Welcome the the Revolution, I guess would be a binary cry, if bits had voices. Identity theft works both ways, perhaps.
Obviously, if inequality gets seriously worse, we are reminded of Marie-Antoinette's exhortation to let the peasants eat cake if they cant afford bread.
Our planners, politicians & thinkers have to, as they say, reinvent the concept of how we live our lives.
There is no perfect solution to the stress problem, because it is precisely the process of searching for a new occupation that generates new ideas and moves the society forward. As a society providing the safety nets we need to keep the right balance between easing the pain of the job seekers and compelling the individual to keep searching. Our current programs are already built with this idea in mind, even though they are somewhat distorted toward welfare by recent political forces.
Trying to hold the progress to save the jobs is a wrong idea, it is a direct way to become obsolete and to lose competition with other countries out there. There is no right to work in our constitution, and that is partially what makes our society so resilient.