Working Papers
Commodity Chains: What Can We Learn from a Business History of the Rubber Chain? (1870-1910)
Author: | Felipe Tâmega Fernandes |
The literature on the rubber boom applied a dependendist view of rubber production in the Brazilian Amazon. Even though a sizable surplus was generated in the rubber chain, it was mostly appropriated by foreigners. This view is in tune with the global commodity chain approach that argues that manufacturing/core economies absorb the bulk of surplus generated in the commodity chain. This paper challenges both frameworks and asks for a more careful examination of the business history of commodity chains: it is a first step in this direction through an analysis of the relationship between two nodes of the rubber chain.
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Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry
Author: | Geoffrey Jones |
Publication: | Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010 |
The global beauty business permeates our lives, influencing how we perceive ourselves and what it is to be beautiful. The brands and firms that have shaped this industry, such as Avon, Coty, Estée Lauder, L'Oreal, and Shiseido, have imagined beauty for us. This book provides the first authoritative history of the global beauty industry from its emergence in the nineteenth century to the present day, exploring how today's global giants grew. It shows how successive generations of entrepreneurs built brands that shaped perceptions of beauty and the business organizations needed to market them. They democratized access to beauty products, once the privilege of elites, but they also defined the gender and ethnic borders of beauty, and its association with a handful of cities, notably Paris and later New York. The result was a homogenization of beauty ideals throughout the world. Today globalization is changing the beauty industry again; its impact can be seen in a range of competing strategies. Global brands have swept into China, Russia, and India, but at the same time, these brands are having to respond to a far greater diversity of cultures and lifestyles as new markets are opened up worldwide. In the twenty-first century, beauty is again being reimagined anew.
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Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance
Authors: | Dana R. Carney, Amy J.C. Cuddy, and Andy J. Yap |
Publication: | Psychological Science (forthcoming) |
Humans and other animals express power through open, expansive postures and powerlessness through closed, constrictive postures. But can these postures actually cause power? As predicted, results revealed that posing in high-power (vs. low-power) nonverbal displays caused neuroendocrine and behavioral changes for both male and female participants: high-power posers experienced elevations in testosterone, decreases in cortisol, and increased feelings of power and tolerance for risk; low-power posers exhibited the opposite pattern. In short, posing in powerful displays caused advantaged and adaptive psychological, physiological, and behavioral changes—findings that suggest that embodiment extends beyond mere thinking and feeling to physiology and subsequent behavioral choices. That a person can, via a simple two-minute pose, embody power and instantly become more powerful has real-world, actionable implications.
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Telegraphs—Shrinking Economic Distances? A Preliminary Enquiry, 1870s-1912
Author: | Felipe Tâmega Fernandes |
Publication: | Business Archives: Sources & History, no. 99 (November 2009) |
This is a very preliminary report on sources and data for my research on telegraphs. Telegraphs are usually analyzed in the context of railway expansion, and the literature has somewhat neglected the role of telegraphic communication for the development of steamship navigation. Telegraphs meant that the owners of a cargo ship could communicate with its captain whenever it reached a certain port, and shippers could keep track of their shipments. Since steamships were very costly to build and operate, cable communication would then allow profitability as ships could be continuously transporting full loads of cargo. Without a cable connection in the port, it would have been difficult for ship owners to maximize their profitability and hence fewer steamships would have touched that port. It is possible then that telegraphic communication was at the heart of diminishing transport costs across the Atlantic. Despite the alleged importance of telegraphs, there are very few works published on their economic history.
(When) Are Religious People Nicer? Religious Salience and the 'Sunday Effect' on Pro-social Behavior
Author: | Deepak Malhotra |
Publication: | Judgment and Decision Making (in press) |
Prior research has found mixed evidence for the long-theorized link between religiosity and pro-social behavior. To help overcome this divergence, we hypothesize that pro-social behavior is linked not to religiosity per se, but rather to the salience of religion and religious norms. We report on a field experiment that examines when auction participants will respond to an appeal to continue bidding for secular charitable causes. The results reveal that religious individuals are more likely than non-religious individuals to respond to an appeal for charity only on days that they visit their place of worship; on other days of the week, religiosity has no effect. Notably, the result persists after controlling for a host of factors that may influence bidding, but disappears when the appeal for charity is replaced by an appeal to bid for other reasons. Implications for the link between religion and pro-social behavior are discussed.
The Evolution of Science-Based Business: Innovating How We Innovate
Author: | Gary P. Pisano |
Publication: | Special Issue on Management Innovation-Essays in the Spirit of Alfred D. Chandler Industrial and Corporate Change 19, no. 2 (2010): 465-482. |
Science has long been connected to innovation and to business. As early as the late 19th century, chemical companies, realizing the commercial potential of science, created the first industrial research laboratories. During much of the 20th century, large-scale business enterprises like DuPont, GE, Westinghouse, IBM, Kodak, Xerox (PARC), and AT&T (Bell Laboratories) created in-house labs capable of first-rate basic scientific research. In recent decades, however, the connection between science and business has begun to change in important ways. While the corporate lab declined, new "science-based businesses" in sectors like biotech, nanotech, and energy emerged. Universities also became active players in the commercialization of science. In short, science has become a business. This essay examines the institutional and organizational challenges created by this convergence of science and business through a Chandlerian lens. It highlights three fundamental challenges of science-based businesses: 1) managing and rewarding long-term risk, 2) integrating across technical disciplines, and 3) learning. Whereas these challenges were once managed inside the boundaries of corporate R&D labs—under the auspices of Chandler's visible hand—today the invisible hand of markets increasingly governs them. An assessment of this form of governance against the requirements of science-based businesses suggests a gap and a need for organizational innovation.
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Pension Fund Design in Developing Economies
Author: | Luis M. Viceira |
Publication: | In Evaluating the Financial Performance of Pension Funds, edited by Richard Hinz, Heinz P. Rudolph, Pablo Antolin, and Juna Yermo. The World Bank, 2010. |
An abstract is unavailable at this time.
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Toyota Was in Denial. How About You?
Author: | Richard Tedlow |
Publication: | Business Week, April 8, 2010 |
An abstract is unavailable at this time.
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Cases & Course Materials
Foxwoods: Turning Data into Insights in the Hospitality Industry
Lynda M. Applegate and Deborah Soule
Harvard Business School Case 810-083
This case describes how an IT director identified an opportunity and implemented an innovative business solution designed to enable line managers and executives to convert data to information to insights. The case also details how the company partnered with an emerging technology start-up, Netezza.
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Leading Change at Simmons (E)
Amy C. Edmondson and Susan Thyne
Harvard Business School Supplement 610-061
This case updates the "Leading Change at Simmons" series by examining Simmons' increasing debt under the ownership of Thomas H. Lee, a private equity firm. Charlie Eitel, the former CEO, wonders what the company's, and his, legacy will be after declaring bankruptcy despite a cultural turnaround and successful operations.
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The Last DVD Format War?
Andrei Hagiu
Harvard Business School Case 710-443
Provides a brief overview of the standards battle between HD-DVD and Blu-ray, focusing on the events that precipitated the Blu-ray victory in early 2008.
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Hospital for Special Surgery (C): Continuing Challenges of Growth
Regina E. Herzlinger
Harvard Business School Supplement 310-077
After its successful new U.K. venture, the Hospital for Special Surgery wants to do more of the same, without decimating its core New York City facility. The case provides considerable details about the different options it is exploring.
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Local Motors: Designed by the Crowd, Built by the Customer
Michael I. Norton and Jeremy B. Dann
Harvard Business School Case 510-062
In the wake of the meltdown among U.S. auto manufacturers in 2009, Jay Rogers, CEO of Local Motors, has a new approach for the automotive industry: decide which models are produced through online design competitions, and then allow customers to "build their own cars" from the winning designs. The case focuses on two key issues: Can Local Motors build a thriving online design community at a reasonable cost? And can customers be convinced to add their own sweat and labor to the manufacturing process? The case is written from the perspective of a start-up company seeking funding while trying to implement a novel business concept.
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