Author Abstract
In this paper, I examine the relation between Integrated Reporting (IR) and the composition of a firm's investor base. I hypothesize and find that firms that practice IR have a more long-term oriented investor base with more dedicated and fewer transient investors. In additional analyses, I find that the results are robust to the inclusion of firm fixed effects, controls for the quantity of sustainability disclosure, alternative ways of measuring IR, and that changes in IR lead changes in investor base while changes in investor base do not lead changes in IR, supporting a causal effect of IR on investor base. Finally, I find that investor activism on environmental and social issues leads to firms practicing more IR but this investor-induced IR does not affect the composition of a firm's investor base.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: February 2014
- HBS Working Paper Number: 14-069
- Faculty Unit(s): Accounting and Management