Author Abstract
We study incentives to invest in platform quality in proprietary and open-source platforms. A comparison of monopoly platforms reveals that for a given level of user and developer adoption, investment incentives are stronger in proprietary platforms. However, open platforms may receive larger investment because they may benefit from wider adoption, which raises the returns to quality investment. We also study a mixed duopoly model of competition and examine how the price structure and investment incentives of the proprietary platform are affected by quality investments in the open platform. We find that access prices may increase or decrease as a result of investment in the open platform, and the sign of the change may be different for user and developer access prices. We also find that the proprietary platform may benefit from higher investment in the open platform when developers multi-home. This result helps explain why a proprietary platform such as Microsoft has chosen to contribute to the development of Linux.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: June 2012
- HBS Working Paper Number: 12-114
- Faculty Unit(s): Strategy