Summing Up
When Does Friction Trump Scale in the Corporate Life Cycle?
This month's column raised the issue of size limits on an organization's ability to compete In today's global economy. The specific case in point was Walmart and whether it had become just too big to pursue its business model. Given the nature of some unusually thoughtful responses, there was no consensus on the question of whether Walmart has reached its full potential. Comments raised even more interesting questions surrounding the dynamic of relationships between the benefits of scale and the problems of friction in very large organizations.
Several respondents commented on dangers to the Walmart business model. Benn Manning commented that "The real dangers for Walmart aren't competitors or new business models but are instead itself and how it delivers on its value proposition, potential regulation from federal and state governments, and negative publicity driven by special interest groups." Shadreck Saili added, "Is a company this large manageable?…'Yes' for as long as its policies align with policies of the environments it operates in … 'No' if complacency levels begin to rise to unprecedented levels."
Others cited evidence that Walmart's model has some practical limitations. Evidence of possible friction was presented by Clark Phippen, who cited symptoms that suggest that Walmart is becoming "arthritic."(1) Employees, he wrote, consider themselves ''just a minimum wage earner happy to have the job …; and (2) wastage … (that) seems to abound in the cavernous stores…." Cheri Thomas cited saturation of its markets, especially in the United States, as a concern, adding that "Walmart's fixation on low prices has led it to prey upon other stakeholders.'' She added, ''How long can this be sustained without effective push-back?"
Others noted the benefits of scale in fostering success for the foreseeable future. Robert Duque suggested that the organization will learn from its subsidiaries, such as Sam's Club, which is developing "a more information-driven model by gaining a better understanding of product and customer relationships." Dean Vella cited Walmart's innovation in supply chain management and sustainability as ways in which it is reducing the friction associated with size. Ajit noted the benefits of scale: "Their low costs are a core strength and therefore their commensurate risks (are) lower." And Steve Fotenberry said that "As much as some people like to complain about Walmart … The 'family' atmosphere for the workers continues to exist, and the value to customers has not changed."
These comments suggest that the tradeoff between scale and friction is complex. For example, what effect does a company's origins, its beliefs, and how these are reflected in management behaviors (reflected in Walmart's emphasis on "family") reduce friction? How does scale bind an organization to a low-price, low-cost strategy, eliminating management choice going forward? And do such strategies have much longer lives than those associated with other forms of differentiation among offerings to customers? When does friction trump scale in the corporate life cycle? Under what conditions? What do you think?
Original Article
There is a body of research that seeks to relate economics to human biology. It's usually associated with the notion that the life cycles of businesses parallel stages of biological life: birth, rapid growth, maturity, and death. Companies are categorized as growth or value investments. Managers think of businesses in their portfolios as question marks (too early to tell), stars, cash cows, and dogs. Entrepreneurs "harvest" the spoils of startups once the rapid growth period is nearing its end. This work has presented evidence that there is a surprising amount of turnover among the largest business firms, characterized in the United States by the fact that only one company, General Electric, has survived in the Dow Jones Industrials index since its beginning.
We are reminded of the matter as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. names a new CEO, Doug McMillon, who faces a number of very large challenges, including that of how to grow a nearly half-trillion-dollar organization charged with everything from bribery in its Mexican operation to discrimination in its labor policies, and blamed for low wages and reliance on indirect societal subsidies for its labor policies. Is it possible that Walmart is just too big to pursue its business model in the longer-term future?
This is not a trivial question. Walmart, as the world's largest private organization, has a bigger population than several United Nations member countries. Its revenue base is larger than many of the world's economies. And its borders extend far beyond the US.
Everyone has an opinion about Walmart. Mine is influenced by my only visit to Bentonville, Arkansas 20 years ago. Even then it was a big company. The Saturday morning management meeting I witnessed was attended by a thousand members of the Walmart "family"—employees, their families, and guests like me. Every effort was made to recognize individual effort. New products were introduced. Decisions under consideration were even discussed from the stage. The biggest display in the room was an electronic counter on the wall that every two seconds added up the savings delivered to Walmart's customers over the company's lifetime.
How you feel about Walmart's future may depend on how you feel about its policies and business model. Clearly, leadership has chosen to distribute the profits from its remarkable productivity increases to customers and, at least in the early years, owners and investors that largely included managers. More recently, the benefits have gone primarily to customers. Walmart's managers are not among the most highly paid, especially in light of the dedication, travel, and on-the-ground involvement expected of them. Investors do not regard the stock as a "growth" stock.
And what about employees? They are thought by many to be left out of the distribution of the spoils almost entirely. Overlooked is the fact that the company has created 2.2 million jobs, albeit many part-time, but with very few layoffs. Employees with whom I have spoken directly are generally positive about their company and their work. They see senior managers frequently and know and work with many of them in the stores. They seem to feel that they are part of a community, one that quite naturally would take up contributions to put food, including Thanksgiving turkeys, on the tables of their less-fortunate coworkers, regardless of what a cynical outside world might think. The annual employee turnover rate is 70 percent, not especially high for a retail organization.
But we're left with a question that has been posed for many years: How much longer will Walmart's business model be sustainable? Will it be endangered by its size, increases in the minimum wage laws, or other business and social trends that have plagued nearly every other large company in history? Is a company this large manageable? Is Walmart defying economic gravity? What do you think?
First, is the danger of Walmart losing its culture of focusing on customers. Walmart's business model revolves around the value proposition of everyday low prices for its customers. In order to provide low prices to customers it must retain an operating model of everyday low costs. If Walmart becomes lax in expense control, it will not be able to offer low costs to its customers.
Second, is the danger of Walmart being regulated out of its business model. Recently Washington DC tried to impose a discriminatory minimum wage for big-box retailers. If this had passed, Walmart claimed it would not continue building new stores in the area. Many people speculated that this was just political jockeying on Walmart's part. However, people fail to recognize it's unlikely Walmart could make its model work with the minimum wages that were being proposed. This is just one example. With the current aversion towards big business from many politicians there are many other regulatory issues that could force Walmart out of its business model i.e. healthcare, tax law, environmental, etc.
Which leads to the third danger of Walmart losing favor with the general public and its core customer base through negative publicity. There are several union-backed organizations that have made it their mission to unionize Walmart or at least give it a black eye trying. These efforts could also lead to the disruptive regulation mentioned above.
I haven't mentioned lower-cost retailers like Aldi, Winco, or Costco. I also haven't mentioned disruptive business models (e-commerce), overall company size, or changing consumer behavior as dangers. Walmart, for its size, is extremely agile and adept at evolving with its customer base. While these things affect Walmart in the short-term I do not believe any of them will keep Walmart from being around in a meaningful way in 50 years.
The real dangers for Walmart aren't competitors or new business models but are instead itself and how it delivers on its value proposition, potential regulation from federal and state governments, and negative publicity driven by special interest groups.
e app senses the GPS location of an approaching Walmart parking lot. Suddenly the competitor can run a 30 minute "special" just in time for that customer to drive down the road or hit the order online button.
Is a company this large managable? The answer is yes and No. 'Yes ' for as long as its policies allign with policies of the environments it operates in. Warmart has faced some challenges to penetrate some african states account of this.
The answer is 'No' if complacency levels begin to rise to unprecedented levels
Walmart's worry to sell cheap has something to do with quality standards which, if maintained, dent profits. Otherwise the quality has to be compromised. Once discovered, this can tarnish the image.
Management has to be focused on all likely negatives in order to eliminate these as far as possible.
Every so often, we'd hit a larger community in which the edge-of-town strip mall was anchored by a Wal-Mart. We popped into a couple of them - my wife likes Wal-Mart and we used to shop at Asda, Wal-Mart's UK business until we moved - and we're warmly welcomed and very courteously served at the check-outs. How much of the stores' stock was really needed by the local population I'd question but, considering my earlier comments about the socio-economic state of affairs in the other townships we'd passed through, it did seem the shops were delivering what the customer wanted. Each was busy. In New York City we were informed Wal-Mart has not been allowed to open, which looking at the retail frenzy surrounding Black Friday seemed somewhat of a paradoxical anacronism. And the news in both US and UK highlighted the scuffles and more serious altercations that occurred in Wal-Mart / Asda stores as customers fought for the bargains.
If, as Professor Heskett is saying, Wal-Mart has been distributing its financial success down through its value-chain to its customer that seems laudable. But what about the small, family businesses that have not been able to stand up to the Wal-Mart behemoth? Which "benefit" is most valuable and merits praise and recognition? It is an enormously emotive issue.
Perhaps Professor Heskett's question masks something much deeper and more profound, which concerns the degree to which consumerism and immediate gratification has enveloped our behaviour. We have to have the 50" TV, now. We have to upgrade our mobile phone, now. We have to have a copy of the dress or coat some celebrity has been seen wearing, now. Why? What point does this serve? In the US, life's immediate fulfilment seems a long way removed from the Iroquois confederacy's rule to make decisions looking out seven generations. We can't look out beyond seven minutes.
I was saddened by what I saw during my journey through the NE states. It struck me that the American dream has vaporised. Is Wal-Mart the problem or the solution? I think it could become more the latter than the former with some deft Mandela-like leadership.
And what is the root of these deteriorating wages and expectations and employment levels? The Free Trade policies that incentivize the globalized corporations to offshore and outsource so much American manufacturing.
On September 20, 2011, Manufacturing and Technology News reported that during the previous ten years, the US lost 54,621 factories, and manufacturing employment fell by 5 million employees. This export of our tax base and manufacturing engines of wealth creation continues apace, and it is the fundamental reason for the fiscal crises at the federal, state and local levels. It is also dismantling our industrial ecosystem, uprooting our skills and productive capacities in essential technologies. And of course it explains the stagnation of wages and employment opportunities that lead to these low-wage part-time Walmart jobs being appreciated as better than nothing.
Truly a sign that it is not just Walmart that is defying gravity so much as it is the entire American economy doing so. We can only print so many trillion $100 bills to trade for imports before the world finds a new reserve currency backed by real economic production. And then the low, low prices of the imports lining Walmart's shelves will also evaporate.
Unfortunately, the world has shifted. Significant changes in consumer behavior, including on-line shopping, have changed how they view the now decades-old value proposition.
Additionally, changes in views regarding minimum wage (and living wage) and the nature of work impact how the population (society) view hiring an enormous workforce that does not make very much money.
But Wal-Mart has not adapted well to these shifts. Thus, a gap has been created between the Wal-Mart success formula and expectations. This lack of adaptation to market shifts by other companies has historically led to lower sales growth, lower returns and eventual decline.
Unless Wal-Mart moves from being so focused on executing its outdated success formula toward much greater adaptation it is likely to go the way of S.S. Kresge, Woolworth, Montgomery Wards, Kmart and Sears.