Steamships, electricity, the railroad, airplanes, the internet—technology and business have always been intertwined. Now a new tech revolution is pushing forward as organizations figure out how to use artificial intelligence to help them make faster, smarter, and more productive decisions. This recent research from Harvard Business School faculty marks the possibilities and pitfalls that could occur along this digital transformation.
A Good Place to Start
Ethics Bots and Other Ways to Move Your Code of Business Conduct Beyond Puffery
Digital technologies allow companies to create more effective codes of business conduct. But technology isn't the only answer.
Why Artificial Intelligence Isn't a Sure Thing to Increase Productivity
As companies adopt artificial intelligence to increase efficiency, are their employees skilled enough to use those technologies effectively?
What Machine Learning Teaches Us about CEO Leadership Style
Researchers turn to machine-learning technology to look for links between a CEO's communications style and company performance.
Use Artificial Intelligence to Set Sales Targets That Motivate
Using AI-based advanced analytics might help sales managers set more effective targets.
Open Innovation Contestants Build AI-Based Cancer Tool
Radiation oncologists are few in number, especially if you are nowhere near a cancer facility. Could artificial intelligence be used to deliver an oncologist's skills for radiation therapy?
Vodafone’s Innovative Approach to Advanced Technologies
How telecom giant Vodafone incorporated big data, automation, and artificial intelligence to improve productivity while ensuring new opportunities for next-generation workers.
Will Machine Learning Make You a Better Manager?
Machine learning is changing the lives of consumers and the businesses they deal with.
Fintech's Game-Changing Opportunities for Small Business
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data is transforming financial services for small-business.
Companies Love Big Data But Lack the Strategy To Use It Effectively
Big data is a critical competitive advantage for companies–if they know how to use it.
Man vs. Machine: Which Makes Better Hires?
Computers make better hiring decisions than managers when filling simpler jobs.
Research Papers
Some Facts of High-Tech Patenting
This study details the growth of patenting in software, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and related technologies in the twenty-first century
Making Sense of Recommendations
We compare computer recommender systems to human recommenders in a domain that affords humans many advantages: predicting which jokes people will find funny.
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