Author Abstract
The literature on state-owned entity (SOE) reform has been focused on privatization. However, privatization has its limits and has mostly resulted in partial privatization with the state retaining control. In this context, we document a dramatically successful reform effort in India where 42 state owned labs, over a fourteen year period (1993-2006) used licensing of intellectual property to reduce dependence on government budgetary support. This follows incentive policy and leadership change at the labs, the latter event being plausibly exogenous given rigid government employment rules. Alternatives and complements to privatization have been documented in the Chinese context. However, unlike the Chinese examples, collaboration between the state and private sectors formed the engine of the reform in the Indian context. Also, the state-owned Indian labs leveraged the US institutional context in effecting their turnaround. 32 pages.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: July 2009
- HBS Working Paper Number: 10-006
- Faculty Unit(s): Strategy