Author Abstract
Executive education worldwide has entered a period of disruption catalyzed by the digitalization of content, connectivity, and communication—while the demand for managerial skills is growing. The forces of disintermediation, disaggregation, and decoupling are creating an unprecedented increase in the nature and number of education options available to companies seeking to increase their skill and capability base. Based on an extensive survey of the industry informed partly by a large set of in-depth interviews with chief talent and learning officers, participants, and providers, we introduce a compass that will help CEO’s and CLOs navigate the emerging landscape of executive education and a parallel compass for designers of executive programs faced with a new industry dynamic and technology curves that open up numerous design and re-design options.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: November 2019
- HBS Working Paper Number: HBS Working Paper #20-060
- Faculty Unit(s): General Management