Author Abstract
Purpose Understanding the Nobel Prize as a "true" heritage brand in a networked situation and its management challenges, especially regarding identity and reputation.
Methodology The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within an extended corporate brand identity framework that incorporates reputation.
Findings The Nobel Prize is a "true" corporate heritage brand (in this case, organizational brand). It is the hub of a linked network of brands-"a federated republic." The brand core of the Nobel Prize is its set of core values supporting and leading to its promise: "for the benefit of mankind." The core constitutes a hub around which the essential award-granting institutions, as well as the Nobel Foundation and other related entities and stakeholders gravitate. The laureates represent and validate the Nobel Prize track record. The will of Alfred Nobel, described as "the Nobel Prize federation's constitution" is interpreted by us as indicating a brand-oriented (compared to market-oriented) approach within a network of interrelated institutions and organisations.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: August 2014
- HBS Working Paper Number: 15-010
- Faculty Unit(s): Marketing