Author Abstract
The authors argue for a strategic and pragmatic, rather than ideological, approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). They assert that, despite criticisms of and debate about the value of CSR initiatives to society and to corporate profitability every company needs a CSR strategy. Using a "three theatre" CSR framework, the authors demonstrate why the question for corporations is not whether to engage in CSR, but why they need to develop CSR strategies that both enhance CSR practice within each theatre and coordinate the independent efforts from across the three theatres. The authors claim that their perspective is a departure from the Shared Value framework, in that they embrace the inherent value of corporate philanthropy (theatre 1) on one end, as well as transformational business models with potentially limited short-term financial returns at the other (theatre 3). Furthermore, the authors seek an end to the fruitless debate about CSR definition and instead focus on providing pragmatic guidance for corporations to significantly improve their social and environmental contribution through a strategic process of continuous CSR auditing, editing and development.
Paper Information
- Full Working Paper Text
- Working Paper Publication Date: April 2012
- HBS Working Paper Number: 12-088
- Faculty Unit(s): Marketing